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Dad’s Losing It: The best 8lbs I’ve ever gained

My new baby girl was born on Memorial Day. She greeted us at 1:08 am and weighed a healthy 8 lbs, 5 ounces. The routine on the home front has been as normal as something brand new can possibly be. I have been cooking well-rounded, full meals as I expected I would during my week off from work. As a result, my little family has been on a culinary tour of the globe over the last three days. On Thursday we enjoyed a taste of Mexico as I served up free-range chicken fajitas, yellow rice and tortilla chips. On Friday evening we headed east, to Poland for traditional potato and cheese pierogi. The pierogi was the pre-made variety, meaning I only had to brown them with some butter and heat up some frozen peas on the side – easy peezy! Tonight, my parents paid their first post-birth visit and for the special occasion I grilled some banger pork sausages and whipped up (literally) some chive mashed potatoes. I also took the time, and this is a rarity, to wash some lettuce (still good from last week’s farmers market) shred carrots, dice up a tomato and served a first course salad with Tuscan Italian dressing. Lunches have been a mixture of leftovers and peanut, butter and jelly sandwiches. Overall, my eating has been pretty darn good – if I do say so myself.

Conversely, not much has been happening on the workout, physical activity side of things for me. I did mow the back yard yesterday in what easily was the hottest and most disgustingly humid day of the year (so far). I nearly passed out on the home stretch. It was, however, a good thing that I completed the cutting of the lawn when I did, despite my wheezing, as the heavy rains of a classic summer thunderstorm rolled through shortly thereafter.

In short, my family has grown but my waistline remains the same and that is not such a bad thing right now.

Until Tuesday…

Dad’s Losing It articles are published every Saturday and Tuesday. Follow Jeff’s journey during the rest of the week in the Dad’s Losing It Forum. In the Forum, Jeff discusses his individual workout routines and soundtracks, among other tidbits and musings from the week.

Jeff is a Family Fun blogger. Read more of his posts here.