An excellent way to lose weight, tone up and have fun all at the same time is through dancing. Dancing requires so many movements depending on which type of dance you are partaking in. It also takes good balance so make sure that you are steady on your feet.
Are you a social butterfly? If you are this very well may be just the thing that you are looking to do for a routine exercise program. Get out on the dance floor and burn it up with your friends. Enjoy yourself and feel good that you are getting your exercise in. It is so healthy for your body. Even if you are not a social butterfly you can always dance in the privacy of your own home. In fact, since you are on a weight loss program this usually means that you feel that you need to lose pounds. If this is the case you might be suffering from a little bit of shyness.
Do not say that you cannot dance either. Everyone can dance. Some people just need more practice than others on the dance floor. Before you dance though make sure that you put on a pair of supportive shoes and do not have any type of joint problems, pulled muscles, and the like.
The greatest thing about dancing is that you do not need any type of special equipment to do it. Music is great, but you do not even need that…just a song in your head will suffice. Dancing burns a whopping 7 to 10 calories a minute also! You can burn off your weight in no time. Lastly, you can dance anywhere…well just about anywhere if you are brave enough, that is. Get your dancing shoes on and have yourself some fun while you whittle away the inches! Go dancing!
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health.