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Dangerous Paths

Our world has a fascination with astrology, physic phenomena, fortunetelling and the occult. Just look at the TV shows which are, or have in the past, littered our screens. Shows like Charmed, The Supernatural, Ghost Whisperer, Medium etc. Pick up almost any magazine or newspaper and you will find astrology pages, often along with other pages about asking psychics for help, or fortune tellers or interpretation of dreams etc. This is without even mentioning the internet and mobile phone and text messages.

According to today’s world you can find a mate by the stars, garden by the stars, choose the right pet by the stars and do just about anything else by the stars. The sad thing is the majority of people, even if they claim not to believe it, still think of it as a bit of fun. After all there’s no harm in it. Isn’t there? God’s word says differently.

Take a look at God’s condemnation of those who rely on soothsayers, Isaiah 2:6. It was the reason God took no notice of his people because they were ‘filled with influences from the east, and they are soothsayers like the Philistines.’ These were also practices of the Babylonians, Isaiah 47:12-14. God declared such practices worthless to save the Babylonians from the fate that awaited them.

Back in Leviticus the law God handed down to Moses forbade dealing with spirits and mediums. God declared ‘I will also set my face against that person’ who does these things, and ‘will cut him off from among his people,’ Leviticus 20:6

King Saul at one point sought to eliminate such practices from Israel, 1 Samuel 28:3, . Despite his attempts they still existed and at one stage he went to visit a medium himself,1 Samuel 28:7-10.

Revelation 21:8 declares ‘sorcerers’ will be subject to the ‘lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.’ Again in Revelation 22:15 we find those who practice such things will be outside God’s kingdom for eternity.

Why would you choose to miss out on all the blessings God has, to take part instead in these practices. Join me tomorrow when we look further at this topic and see God’s way out of the maze of wrong and dangerous practices.

Bible verses from The New American Standard Version

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