Do you know your spouse’s dream? Have you ever bothered to find out what they’d really like to do if they had the chance? If you do know are you supporting them and helping them to realize that dream?
When Mick and I went and saw ‘The Bucket List’ one of the things that struck me was how Carter Chambers ended up having a list of things he dreamt of achieving before he died – a list his wife neither knew about nor understood. He’d been married to the same woman for many years and she apparently had no idea what his dreams were. She certainly didn’t approve once she did find out and did her best to discourage him from doing anything about it. I wonder how many of us are the same?
Mick knew I dreamed of being a writer. He always encouraged me because he saw it was important to me. So if I wanted to use some of our money to attend a writing conference, he’s always been right behind me, even if at times it was difficult for us to manage. In fact he’s often encouraged me and given me confidence to go when I’ve tended to shy away from doing so.
The ideal is a marriage where each person knows the dreams of their spouse and tries to do all he or she possibly can to help them achieve their dream.
What about your spouse’s dream? Do you know what their dream is? Would you encourage them to go for it? For example, if they wanted to change jobs would you encourage them, even if it meant less money coming in? Would you support them if they wanted to take up a new hobby that would require added expense and time invested?
A dream we both had was to live closer to the beach. It was a dream we carried with us each day for a number of years before Mick retired and we were finally able to manage it. Even then it didn’t work out quite the way or in the time frame we thought. But it eventually became a reality. We have just loved it so much since we moved. So, in that sense we are both living our dream.
So dare to dream with your spouse but also help them achieve them personal dream, because sometimes dreams can come true
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