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Date Night? Get Lost!

I’m not suggesting that “get lost” should be your answer when your spouse wants a date with you. Not at all. I’m suggesting that you and your spouse actually go out and get lost together.

Does that sound a little crazy? Maybe, but don’t knock it until you try it. While the weather in your area might not be conducive to a good hike or other outdoor adventure right now, keep this idea in mind for when the weather is nice.

My husband and I used to drop the kids off with his folks and just start driving, destination unknown. It’s really fun out here, because there is so much to see. We would drive along until we found an area that looked interesting and then park to get out and go exploring (watch out for private property and trespassing signs).

Once, we found a small waterfall. That was our favorite place for quite a while and we’d take a picnic lunch along sometimes and just sit to soak up the sun, dip our feet in the water, and talk about our dreams for the future.

You may not be in an area where you can just wander off to hike the mountain foothills like we can, but forest preserves and state parks can also be great places to spend the day together enjoying nature. Date night doesn’t really have to be at night, and it doesn’t have to be indoors. Try a date day and get out of the house and the neighborhood.

So many of us live in areas that have wonderful history, events, and locations that draw tourists from all over, but we’ve never explored these areas and attractions even though we live nearby. Become tourists in your own area, and see why people are drawn to those locations. Get out there and see what the world around you has to offer and share it with your spouse.

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Nature’s Finest: Mammoth Spring State Park

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More Date Night Info