In church a couple of Sundays ago, I was handed a book by the Relief Society President titled, Daughters in my Kingdom. Seeing as I’m in Primary, I didn’t know what this book was all about. I asked her, and she said it was a gift from the church all about Relief Society. I threw it into my church bag, and didn’t give it much thought, until I pulled it out later and started thumbing threw it. I read the message from the first presidency on the inside. We are urged to, “study this book and allow its timeless truths and inspiring examples to inspire our lives.” We can all use a little extra inspiration can’t we?
It seems that everywhere I turn lately I am thinking about righteous women. I started a book a few weeks ago called, The Red Tent. This is not a church sanctioned book, and I am only part way through, so I would hardly recommend it to someone, but it is all about women that lived during biblical times. So, I’ve been thinking about the women of the Old Testament a lot.
Then, in church this past Sunday a talk was give about how women in the scriptures influence our lives. I have to admit that I have never made an effort to truly study the women of the scriptures and ponder on what their lives were like. Although I know their stories, it is totally different to ponder and think about how I can shape my own life after them.
Regardless, I feel like someone is trying to remind me of something. I think it is Heavenly Father’s way of reminding me that I am a daughter of God, and that is a truly noble calling. I am so grateful to be a member of a church that values the role of women so greatly. While society may disagree that we are a church driven by the priesthood, and that women’s roles in this church are diminished, I can tell you that most active, faithful, LDS women will disagree.
I look forward to the General RS Meeting that is coming up this Saturday via Satellite. I know that I have a loving Heavenly Father and that he values me as a part of His kingdom, and I hope that this book will remind many women of that as they read it. To visit the church’s website featuring this book, and how to study it, go here.
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