I heard something pretty shocking the other day on the radio. The DJ was talking about how the price of daycare for an infant is now more expensive than a year’s tuition in a public college (such as a technical school). On average, parents can expect to shell out $18,000 a year in order to have their baby cared for on a full-time basis.
I guess that makes me feel somewhat better since college is just around the corner for my oldest son. He will be attending a technical school that offers an aviation program.
I know they say you need to save up for college but what about daycare? Those prices are just crazy and let me tell you, coming from that type of job, I find it a bit concerning.
Here’s why…when I left working as a preschool teacher in a daycare center I was making $8.25 an hour. For that amount of money, not only was I responsible for the care of young children (potty training, changing diapers, feeding them, putting them down for a nap, wiping runny noses, etc.) but I was expected to teach them.
I had to plan lessons every week and quite often found myself dipping into my own funds in order to make lessons more enjoyable, since supplies were limited in the daycare. I put a lot of heart and soul into my work as a preschool teacher.
But not only that…I also had to do laundry, wash dishes, prepare meals, clean up after meals, wipe down mats and the list goes on. I did all of this for $8.25 an hour, yet the daycare takes in thousands of dollars to care for that child.
As I began to near my 40’s and my children were getting older, I found myself struggling to understand why I was doing all of this work for such little pay, no incentive and not much appreciation from anyone. Granted, I did love the children but it was a tough job. Then I had to go home and take care of my own children and household work.
I am so glad that I was able to be home with my children during their early years. I saw the other side, where parents had to leave screaming or crying children behind. I felt so bad for those who were in daycare from 7 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. I was there to see some of their firsts. I spent more time with some of those children than their own parents did.
I don’t say this to put down parents who have their children in daycare. I realize it is a necessity for many. But the cost to utilize this is crazy. Someone sure is making a lot of money at the daycares and it certainly isn’t the employees.
What are your thoughts on the price of daycare?
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Photo by {just jennifer} in Flickr