How are you doing in your mission to de-clutter your home? I watched Clean Sweep’s special episode last night profiling (and helping) the “Messiest Home in America.” The house lived up to its designation.
There was stuff everywhere and in every room. The couple that lived in this home was so completely overwhelmed with clutter, and as a consequence, dirt. There was literally no where to walk in the home. Board games were stacked in the kitchen, and floor to ceiling was stacked with all kinds of stuff. It was just overwhelming, and the couple didn’t know where to begin.
Although my home is no where near the state of that house, thank goodness, I can still get overwhelmed when clutter takes over. Our move to our new fixer-upper house was chaotic, quick and without a lot of help, so as a result, lots of stuff got placed in the basement or garage on a temporary basis. I’d like to get the basement completely cleared out so that we can use it as livable and workable space.
One thing that helps me with tackling a large de-cluttering project, or any de-cluttering project at all is to break it down and to do this in an objective way. Instead of choosing an area, or a box or a shelf that I might feel inspired to de-clutter, I assign myself a section in a logical way. For the basement, for example, I start at the farthest point, near the walk out door and work my way in toward the stairs. I also work from high to low.
Using this method, I know that I will go through it all and not allow myself to ignore any bit of de-cluttering. I try to be as impartial as I can be, and this almost robotic method helps me with that attitude. This will work whether you are de-cluttering a whole room or just a dresser. Start at one end and from the top to the bottom until that section is cleared. Avoid putting anything back into that space until it is all de-cluttered.
Ready for a new assignment? Summer is here, so remove all of the sweaters and cold weather clothes from your master closet. Store or return only those items that you actually wore this past winter.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. Starting June 1st, don’t miss her articles in the Baby Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
Related Articles:
De-Cluttering Boot Camp: Finding Time
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