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Dealing with a Sick Spouse

Yesterday’s blog, and things that have been happening around here, started me thinking about dealing with a sick spouse. We all know that part of the marriage service that says ‘in sickness and in health,’ but it’s easy to overlook or not be aware just what a difference it can make when your spouse is sick. Whether it is a temporary ailment or a more permanent and serious illness it can still take its toll, not just on the one who is sick but on the one looking after them as well.

A woman recently, who had a husband in hospital for some time, remarked how tired and drained she felt. Having been in that position more than once with other family members, where daily visits meant I practically lived at the hospital I could relate. Unless you’ve been through it, you don’t realize how draining it is. Everyone’s sympathy, and rightly so, is with the one who is sick but many times the one who is not is just as much in need of prayer, practical help and support. Sometimes it may be providing company or a meal or some else taking over the visiting for a day. It could mean being there and letting them talk and get things off their chest.

Here are a few guidelines to help you when dealing with a sick spouse. Most people think the idea of a few days or even linger in bed and off work sounds attractive. In theory it does. The reality is often different. You forget how absolutely boring it gets being in bed. Not feeling well myself lately with a cold or flu bug that has outstayed its welcome by weeks, I thought time in bed might be helpful. I lasted all of half an hour before I got fed up.

Another thing is to cut your spouse some slack while they’re sick. They’re more likely to be crabby and impatient or just feeling miserable and whiny. So if they snap at something you’ve said, remember that they’re not feeling themselves.

Often too, medications and drugs prescribed can change a person’s character. Some can produce hallucinations and other side effects, so make allowances and don’t be too quick to retaliate with a hasty response.

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