Home-based professionals have something in common with everyone else that works, whether they work from home or in an office or other setting. We sometimes get frustrated just like everyone else does. I certainly enjoy the work that I do with my home-based businesses, but I will admit that there are times when I just want to throw my hands in the air like my 18-month-old does to let me know that he’s “all done” with something.
Much of the time the cause of my frustration is caused by technological glitches such as the computer freezing up or the internet not working properly. Sometimes money is the issue – a payment from a client does not arrive when it is expected or the client fails to pay altogether despite my efforts to track them down. Other things frustrate me too, but fortunately not all that often.
So, what can a home-based professional do when they are frustrated? We have to get through it and get on with business somehow. Sometimes, the solution is as simple as taking a break. Even if it is your scheduled work time, take a break from whatever is frustrating you and work on something else like billing, filing, or reaching out to potential clients. If the frustration is so bad that you feel like you are going to explode if you spend one more minute in your office, take a break and go somewhere else. You could take a walk, a nap, or get something to eat – anything that will feel good. A solution could come to you as if out of nowhere, but if it doesn’t, don’t despair.
If the cause of your frustration is that you don’t know the answer to something, reach out to others for help. You can’t always know everything, and it helps to have a network of friends that understand your work and can help you with questions. Sometimes, you may even be able to help them with knowledge or in other ways. I have a few friends, including my mentor, that I call when I need help – I refer to them collectively as the “brain trust” and I think that every home-based professional needs one.
Those are just two suggestions to get you started. When you get frustrated, it may be helpful to remember that you are not alone. You can get through it, and you will get through it. It may just take a little time and effort.