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Dealing With Jealousy – part 3

Over the last two days we’ve looked at reasons for jealousy. A third reason people are often jealous of others is because of what they have. If you are jealous of others because of what they own, then I suggest you need to make a list – not necessarily of what you own but of all the blessings God has given you. You will soon see how much you have to be thankful for.

I’m a great one for lists and the making of lists which identify blessings God has given me is one I have found particularly helpful. What I’ve found when I sit down and make a list of all the blessings God has given me, the list goes on and on.

We can even be grateful for some of the negatives in our lives because God can still use those and bring good out of them, Romans 8:28. It’s often only as we go through hard times that we draw closer to God, improve our relationship with Him and grow as a Christian.

As we grow as a Christian we will grow in more godly qualities and the fruit of the spirit: love, joy , peace, patience,kindness,goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, self-control,’ Galatians 5:22,23 etc. That will have a flow on benefit of making us more lovable and improving our relationships with others. Positive qualities like kindness, gentleness, and love attract other people.

One of the other remedies to use if you are struggling with jealousy in your life is to confess it. Take the situation to God and ask he Him to show you how to deal with it. God promises wisdom to those who ask in faith, James 1:5.

The second things is for God to clearly help you identify those things you are good at and the qualities you have as well as those areas where you fall short.

Thirdly pray for that person you are jealous of. At first, it may seem almost hypocritical to do this. But if we ask God to change our hearts and feelings towards that person and then pray for them, God will do the work of changing our hearts, so that our emotions line up with our prayers.

Bible verses from The New American Standard Version

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