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Dealing with Prejudice

I received one of the most rude, narrow-minded, bigoted comments on a blog today.

When I weighed 260 pounds, I dealt with people’s attitudes toward my weight all the time. To salespeople, I didn’t exist. I’d walk into a store with the intent to purchase something (usually grossly overpriced clothing) an be completely ignored. Eventually, I found that I received better customer service by online ordering. If I had the nerve to go to a fast food restaurant and order anything more than a salad, I’d get “the look”. If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of the look, you know what I’m talking about.

I’ve been both thin and overweight. Don’t try to tell me this is all in my head because I know better.

Let’s face it, unless you’re Queen Latifah, if you weigh over 200 you aren’t going to be getting a great deal of positive attention.

So, back to the rude comment. Here are a few things this knuckle-dragger said and the questions and comments that come to my mind when I read them:

“Fat people make way too many excuses.”

So now I’m wondering if “Fat People” are a whole different race? What constitutes a “Fat Person”? Are we addressing sheer mass or are we considering people over a certain bodyfat percentage? Just who gave this brainiac the right to judge other people with a single look?

“Overweight people typically just need to STOP putting food in their mouths. Simple as that.”

Yes. Starving ourselves until we please others with our size is a great idea. Let’s all just starve ourselves until we reach a size two. Once we get there, no doubt somebody else will prefer that we are a size zero but that’s OK, we can just keep starving ourselves. We can all be a bunch of emaciated, bobbleheads with heart problems and osteoporosis due to malnutrition. What a load! To people like this, nobody will be thin enough for them until three days after death!

“Fat people are usually very sensitive to the truth and complain that this attitude is “mean” or “uncaring.” God helps those that help themselves, so put down the chips and get healthy already.”

Again with “Fat People”? Now this person is trying to say that they aren’t being mean or uncaring, it’s just that “Fat People” are too sensitive. So if I were to say this person were an ignorant boor I shouldn’t expect them to be offended, unless of course, they are overly sensitive to the truth.

“Look, here’s the DIET SOLUTION; anyone that wants to lose the flubber should simply take a picture of themselves and put it on the fridge next to a picture of a starving child. Next time you need a cupcake, stare at the picture for 30 seconds and get real.”

Gee, thanks for that simple solution. I can’t believe nobody ever thought of that! Somebody had better tell the doctors and scientists about this.

OK, I’ll go one step better. Let’s all take a picture of an Olson twin, smoking and drinking coffee to avoid eating anything. Let’s take a picture of that bobbleheaded, emaciated actress who has no doubt already developed osteoporosis from malnutrition and drug use and keep that on our fridge. Forget the frail frame and lack of any visible muscle tone.

Yes, let’s all aspire to THAT!