Swollen feet can strike at any time during pregnancy, but edema is most common in the third trimester. The swelling can make squeezing into your favorite shoes next to impossible. Here are some tips for staying comfortable when your ankles are less than visible.
“It’s not goodbye forever, it’s just so long for now.” It’s time to put away the shoes that are cutting into the tops of your feet and either break out the flip flops or visit the shoe store for a bigger pair of digs. The last thing your feet need is to be pinched; it definitely won’t help the swelling go away.
If you want to reduce the swelling, gentle even pressure may help. They’re not exactly fashionable, but compression tights may help reduce swelling and they’re also useful for preventing varicose veins. You can always hide them under your jeans and a pair of socks if the weather isn’t too hot.
It’s also important to follow everyone’s advice to keep your feet up. Elevating your legs makes it easier for the blood that is pooled in your lower legs and feet to travel back up to your heart. Whenever you are seated or lying down, prop up your feet with an overstuffed pillow. Sit and prop up your feet whenever you get the chance if the swelling is really bad.
A third way to help with swelling is to stay well hydrated. Drinking plenty of water will help “flush” you out. If you are dehydrated and retaining water, it can make a minor case of edema worse. You definitely don’t want to add any additional discomfort.
Always keep your doctor informed of your swollen feet, especially if they are more swollen than usual. Edema is a normal symptom of pregnancy, but sometimes sudden and severe swelling, especially in the face, can be a sign of hypertension, or high blood pressure associated with pregnancy.