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Dealing with Your Spouse’s Choices

Yes, I am back to the book. As my readers know I have begun slowly but surely digging my way through The Power of a Praying Wife. While reading this book I am taking on two personalities. First, I am viewing from a wife’s stand point. Secondly, I am a researcher. Therefore, I am thoroughly pulling it apart!

The section that I want to discuss today is the section that deals with your husband’s choices. I think that there are many things that you should know about your husband before you get married.

However in some cases, things change. As we grow and mature we get different ideas and take on different perspectives about life. While traveling through life’s ups and downs we can become cold or soft or angry or sad. All of these can contribute to a new way of thinking.

A prime example of changes in a person’s life is the all time heard of “mid life crisis”, alcoholism, and bouts of depression. These types of changes can usually not be predicted or foreseen before marriage. Therefore they simply must be dealt with after marriage.

Some changes in a person’s life can cause unforeseen depression, alcohol abuse, and/or midlife crisis. For example an illness, the lost of a job, the death of a friend or a loved can all contribute to the things named above.

During these times, as a wife, you must first try to determine what has caused the undesired choice that your husband is making. You then should be open and discuss your fears and frustrations with him. You must also realize that he may or may not be receptive to your help or concerns.

When your spouse is going through a tough time in life and struggling with bad choices, this is definitely a good time for prayer. You must also remember that the things that are said or done should not be taken personally. During times of alcohol abuse and/or depression, people often say things that they do not mean. However this does not mean that you should put up with more than you feel is reasonable.

Balance your Life