Barnes & Noble used to have plenty of deals on paperback books, hardcover best sellers, and more. Their focus has changed in the past few years. Now, there are plenty of deals on eBooks for the NOOK, and a deal on the Barnes & Noble membership. Here is a quick list of the current deals at Barnes & Noble that are going on this week.
The NOOK is an electronic reader that you can buy from Barnes & Noble. You can use the device to read books of all genres, some newspapers, and some magazines. There are apps for the NOOK that you can use to play a game.
Barnes & Noble just started something called “NOOK Daily Find”. Sign up for it, and you will receive NOOK Daily Find Emails that will tell you about the eBooks that are part of the Daily Find each day. The eBooks are available at a discounted price, for a limited time.
They are not free, though. If you want to legally download an eBook to your NOOK, for free, you can do it right from the Barnes & Noble website. Use the search engine to select “NOOK store”, and type in “free books” into the search engine. This will bring up a list of eBooks that are currently free for you to download onto your NOOK. There is a wide variety of genres to choose from.
If you buy 2 NOOK Books, you can get a $5.00 eGift Card. An eGift Card is a virtual form of the plastic Barnes & Noble Gift Cards. You can buy one for yourself, or to send to someone. The eGift Cards are sent by email, arrive within minutes, and can be used both online and in the stores. As far as I can tell, the free $5.00 eGift Card that you get when you buy 2 NOOK eBooks appears as you are checking out.
For the first time, Barnes & Noble is doing a FREE 2-Month Limited Membership. This is only being offered to people who have never had a Barnes & Noble Membership before, ever, not even once. The Limited Membership gives you:
Unlimited Free Express Shipping when you buy something from Delivery is supposed to arrive within 1 – 3 business days. Read over their “Free Member Express Shipping” limitations for further details.
You get 40% off the list price of the current hardcover Barnes & Noble Bestsellers. This means the ten fiction hardcover bestsellers, and the ten non-fiction hardcovers bestsellers, that you see in the Barnes & Noble stores.
You get 20% off the list price of all Barnes & Noble -designated adult hardcover books. In other words, this discount cannot be applied gift items (like journals), bargain books, juvenile books, or anything from the Barnes & Noble Jr. section. It only applies to books that are designated for adults.
You get 10% off the Barnes & Noble sale price of other eligible items. This can include already discounted items, some Bargain books, music, movies, Cafe items, and more.
Keep in mind that you will automatically be upgraded to a full membership, and charged for it, unless you cancel your Free 2-Month Limited Membership before the expiration date. The full membership will automatically bill you every year, (unless you call and cancel it).
Image by Karen Horton on Flickr