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Decorating Together

Finally it’s starting to look a little like Christmas. The nativity scene, which is always first up and the last item packed away, went up a few days ago. It’s in the lounge room near the fornt hall where people will see it as soon as they come in. It’s a ceramic set we’ve had for many years and still one of the nicest I’ve ever seen. Yet, it had not been a major expense, unlike some Mick and I saw recently. One that we both liked was made out of what looked like carved glass. It was magnificent. But so was the price – $500. We couldn’t justify that sort of expense. Another in ceramic was also beautiful – similar price. Of course, expensive doesn’t always mean nice. I’ve seen others that just look gaudy. It’s a bit like the Christmas lights situation. They need to not be overdone.

The next thing that happens at our house for Christmas is the wreath on the door. This year Mick attached a gold star in the middle. It looks very effective.

Then it was time for the Christmas card tree. Each year we have large branches in a pot. Last year we found our gum branches already on the ground just waiting for us to pick them up and bring them home. In previous years we have sprayed them silver but last year and this, we decided to go for the natural look. By the time the cards are attached it looks quite colorful.

Mick brought the same branches in from outside. First, he got the job of getting rid of all the tiny spiders and beetles that had made it their home over the past year. Once it was all clear, it was ready to decorate. To attach the cards, I punch a hole at the top in the middle of each card. Then I attach the cards to the branches with fishing line. Since neither Mick nor I fish, even though our area is particularly well known for fishing, that’s the only use fishing line ever gets in our house. Once the card is attached the fishing line becomes almost invisible against the branch of the tree. Being a craft-challenged person this is as creative as I get, except for a few baskets filled with pine cones and tinsel.

Then it was time for the lights. This year we have a star and a bell surrounded by few lights of blue and gold the window.

Last of all the Christmas tree, which we bought and decorated on the weekend. Now the house smells like Christmas.

Mick and I always decorate the house and tree together, usually with carols playing in the background. It’s one of our Christmas traditions. What do you do at your house to decorate and make your home look festive? Do you decorate with your spouse? It’s fun to do it together.

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