If your typical Spring Cleaning routine just isn’t enough this year, try deep cleaning. Deep cleaning means that nothing gets a pass, down to the tiniest nook. It is a lot of work and it is time consuming, but your home will feel like new and everything you own will last longer if it’s thoroughly cleaned a few times throughout the year besides your regular cleaning.
The best way to deep clean is to tackle one room at a time. Start in one corner and work your way around the room, top to bottom. Get rid of cobwebs, dust the ceiling, wash the walls and windows, clean everything in the space and then shampoo the carpet or scrub the floor.
Dust the ceiling? How often do any of us do that? Well, sure there are probably some immaculate housekeepers who do so regularly, but I’m betting they are the exception to the rule. I know I don’t do it regularly. It’s hard work! It helps if you lay sheets or drop cloths over furniture before you start. Shake them outside when finished, then dust furniture and vacuum the floor.
When it comes to floors, mopping might be good enough throughout the week, and scrubbing on your hands and knees may be a Spring Cleaning staple. However, floors may also require stripping from time to time. Stripping floors can be a strenuous process but your floor will look like new when you’re done. Ammonia works great for stripping, but make sure you ventilate the area thoroughly.
Clean furnace and air conditioner filters, coils on appliances like the fridge, that little space between the stove and the cabinet, and any other area that normally gets overlooked.
Your house will look and feel better and you will literally breathe easier once you finish deep cleaning.
So, any guesses about what I’m doing this weekend?