So much for that happy ending I predicted…
Ellen DeGeneres cried her eyes out on her show yesterday as she recounted the events that led to her dog being taken from her hairstylist’s home. But, it appears the comedian’s tearful plea didn’t help soften the hearts of the owners of a dog agency that maintains DeGeneres violated an adoption contract.
In fact, it looks as though the ugly situation is getting even uglier.
According to news reports, as a result of the massive media exposure this doggy drama has created, the owners of Mutts and Moms (the agency DeGeneres got her dog from) has been receiving death and arson threats via voice and e-mail.
C’mon people, can’t we all just get along?
What’s more, according to a lawyer representing the owners of Mutts and Moms, the excessive media attention (see: dozens of TV crews parked outside the agency’s building) has disrupted business at the nonprofit rescue agency. (Can you say pending lawsuit?)
Oh, and that’s not even the half of it.
Yesterday the attorney for the dog agency’s owners released a statement that said the family DeGeneres gave her pooch Izzy to is not the type of people that should have the dog. (You’ll recall DeGeneres gave the Brussels Griffon terrier mix to her hairstylist, who has two tween-age daughters, because the pup didn’t get along with her cats.)
Then, the Mutts and Mom owner added this zinger:
“I’m not going to be bullied around by the Ellen DeGenereses of the world … They are using their power, position and wealth to try to get what it is they want.”
As for DeGeneres, she’s not done with her public campaign to persuade the dog agency to return the dog to her hairstylist’s kids.
On her talk show taped Tuesday and airing Wednesday, DeGeneres repeated on-air that “the dog needs to go to the family.”
It “just needs to be in a good home,” she continued, according to show transcripts. “All that you’re supposed to do is put a dog in a loving home.”
On a side note Mutts and Moms claims it has a rule that families with children under 14 are not allowed to adopt small dogs.
However, according to, in the past the agency has green lighted adoptions with families that had children younger than 14.
The hairstylist’s children bonded with the pup for about two weeks before it was taken away from them. DeGeneres says the girls are heartbroken the dog is gone. At some point don’t you think it would make more sense to buy the girls a new dog than to get caught up in a public power struggle over a dog that will most certainly (at some point) end up with another family?