Demonic oppression happens a number of ways. We as believers genuinely in Christ cannot be possessed by demons because what fellowship has light with darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14). This does not mean that we can’t open doors for demonic oppression in our lives.
As a Christian, I believe the Holy Spirit will guide us to truth as we seek the Lord. God is gracious to work in us, changing our hearts to desire what He wills for us. Still, not everyone is receptive or at the point in their walk where they discern things in their lives that can draw them from the Lord. The following are three doors in which allow the enemy to seep into one’s life.
Use of Illegal Drugs
Drugs that are illegal are illegal for a reason. Often while a person is under the influence of such substance, they are not in the right frame of mind and may be of risk to harm themselves or others. Drugs can take control of your mind causing you to think things you would not normally think or do things you wouldn’t normally do. When looking up the Greek word “farmakiah” which is where we get our English word pharmacy, the Strong’s translation (5331) states the definition is witchcraft, sorcery and magic. Consider how using drugs opens a door to demonic influence in one’s life.
Yoga and Certain Meditation
Though the exercises of Yoga may have some great physical benefits, it does stem from Eastern religion and paganism. Any exercises that cause you to clear your mind and create an absence of God can open the door to lying, deceptive, demonic spirits. The Bible tells us to be vigilant and sober minded. As much as I’ve searched my heart and tried to justify a Christian basis for Yoga, I have been unable to. Stretches are one thing, but involving the mind with absence of Christ is another.
Hypnosis is done not only in therapy, but for the sake of fun. Though there can be great benefits to hypnosis, it too is an open door to potential demonic oppression. When your mind is being manipulated and submitted into the ways of another, it’s my belief that you have willingly removed a covering, allowing your mind to be opened to a thief who is the enemy to influence, manipulate or oppress you.
I believe Satan would like for us to justify these things in our minds and find them to be of little importance in our spiritual life. The fact is, the Bible clearly tells us to be sober minded (Titus 2:6). If we submit our minds to those (things and people) other than God, we really have opened a door for Satan. If you’ve participated in any of these things, God is so gracious to forgive and wants you to fill yourself with His Spirit.