Grocery stores aren’t the only ones that have invested dollars and years into figuring out how to make you buy, buy, buy! There is a lot of marketing that is done to figure out how to make your part with your money, even if you weren’t planning to do so. This is why many people complain that they go into the store for one thing and come out with a bunch more. Think about the Target store. How many of us really go in there and come out with the one, and only the one, thing that we came to get?
One of the biggest trick that a department store, or even a mall, will make is in terms of product placement. Certain things are placed near each other on purpose. Soon, you are picking up items that you hadn’t planned on buying. Here are some example.
Baby clothes are placed next to Women’s lingerie. You go in to pick up some baby or toddler clothes for your little one. As you are browsing, you notice some pretty lingerie and think back to those days when you were more spontaneous and carefree with your husband. You think about how you could focus on yourself before the baby. You think a little luxury is in order, and who knows, it might even improve your marriage. The next thing you know, pretty underwear and sleepwear is in your arms and ready to be purchased.
Shoes and cosmetics are placed next to each other for a reason. These two products get purchased the most when it comes to the typical female shopper. So, while you are waiting for the sales person to bring you your shoe size, or while you are waiting for him or her to ring up your purchase, you may wander over to the cosmetics and decide that a little freshening up is in order. There are plenty of mirrors in the shoe department, including full length ones that are ready to convince you that you need a little bit of lipstick or blush.
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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