The other day, I was on the phone with my best friend. We were complaining about aches and pains and how we didn’t think it could be stress because we just didn’t feel stressed. Then, we proceeded to complain about different things in our lives for the next 30 minutes. She laughed and said, “But, we aren’t stressed about anything!”
Stress can affect our health – both mental and physical. But how can we detox ourselves of poisonous stress?
First, ask yourself some honest questions. Do you get irritated easily? Do you always feel like you are rushing from place to place? Do you feel like you never get time to yourself? Do you hold your emotions in? Are you hard on yourself? Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you feel overworked? Do you find it hard to forgive others?
If you answered yes to even one of those questions, you may be stressed.
What can you do to try to try to relieve the stress? Well, talking to my best friend, even if I am complaining about things, always makes me feel better. But, there’s also meditation. Sometimes I find it hard to turn my mind off, so I just sit alone and quietly – no television, no magazine, no distractions at all. I try to not even thing about anything, I just sit. I guess that is my own form of meditation.
Another thing you can do to detox your stress is take time to do something you enjoy. Balance work and play. Remember to spend time with loved ones.
Remember to give yourself a break on things. I know I am my own worst critic, so sometimes I just stop and realize that no one’s perfect, least of all me. And another, think I am bad about doing is trying to control the situation. Sometimes, I have to realize that and just make myself let go.
It is feasible that you are stressed, even if you don’t feel it. But, it’s possible to detox yourself if you take a little time to meditate, spend time doing things you like with people you like, and give up control every once in a while.