My family has a history of diabetes. Both my paternal and maternal grandmother was diagnosed with Type II diabetes in their 50’s, as was my father. I had gestational diabetes with my son, but considering my family history and age, it came as no shock to me. I immediately went on insulin, which was fine because I had given my paternal grandmother shots before. I also had to go on a fairly strict diabetic diet to help ensure the health of both me and my son. After my son was born, my sugar levels returned to normal. The doctor said the chances of me getting diabetes later in life is good because of the history and having had gestational diabetes, but if I watch my weight, exercise, and eat better, I can at least put it off for a while longer.
I have heard that even those that are not diabetic can benefit from the diabetic diet. Unlike Atkins or South Beach, you get carbohydrates, just not too many. In fact, you cannot have too much of any one thing and that, in and of itself, is probably a good thing! But, the diabetic diet does not have to be boring. You can still enjoy a good treat every occasionally, like this recipe for a strawberry smoothie.
You will need 8 ounces of plain nonfat yogurt, skim milk, any type of sugar substitute, frozen strawberries, and ice cubes. In a blender, combine the 8 ounces of plain nonfat yogurt, 1/4 cup of skim milk, and either 2 teaspoons of a sugar substitute or 3 packets. With the blender running, slowly drop 3 cups of frozen strawberries in through the opening in the lid. Once that is blended and smooth, add 1 cup of ice cubes then blend until slushy.
Being diabetic can be scary, but if you try to take care of yourself, you should have an easier time dealing with it. I will be adding more “diabetic friendly” recipes soon!