Bart and Allison have been married for two weeks and are trying to enjoy their honeymoon. Everything in the world, literally, has happened to keep them from settling in to a routine, and they’ve been on the run since before they said “I do.” Now it would appear that Scarlotti, the evil assassin who tried to kill Allison in the last book, didn’t really die and is now ready to finish the job.
While Bart is investigating a rash of small crimes in San Francisco, Allison creates a hypothesis: what if the little crimes are being committed to keep the police busy while a larger crime is carried out? The museum will be hosting an exhibit of the most rare and expensive diamonds in the world, including the Hope diamond, and Allison’s just sure that someone will try to steal the diamonds while they’re in town. The local police chief thinks she’s lost her mind, but Bart, like the doting husband he is, believes her and starts to investigate. (It’s so handy having a husband in Interpol.) He soon believes her theory, and works closely with the museum to increase security, all the while Allison is being stalked by Scarlotti, who is coming closer to her with every attempt until he’s finally alone with her in the hotel room, weapon in hand.
While the writing in this novel isn’t as sharp as it is in Lynn’s later novels, the story is very compelling and the plot is detailed to a fault. I enjoy how each novel only spans a few days in time, and they are placed back to back so that after you’ve read four books, you’ve only covered two weeks of Bart and Allison’s life together. It makes the suspense that much greater, and I’m for certain heading for the next book in the series now.
(This book was published by Covenant Communications in 1997.)
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