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Diary of a Cat Care B&B: I’m in Charge!

Thanks to a wacky set of coincidences that have both my coworkers unavailable, I’m in charge of the cats-only boarding facility for the next few days.

I won’t be making any drastic changes during my reign of terror… but I do have some projects I’d like to tackle.

  • A few big cleaning projects. We do wipe down, mop, and sanitize the playroom several times per day… but I’m dying to get the scrub brush and make that floor sparkle. Same with some spots in the main boarding room that get mopped frequently but need some elbow grease and hot water in order to shine. I’d also LOVE to repaint the walls in one of the isolation wards — it’s badly scuffed and would look great with a fresh coat.
  • A few organizational projects. I’ve worked there for nine months now, and we’re due to purge our client files. Some guests have passed away, some have moved, some haven’t been in to stay with us for years. I’m also planning on sorting our spare scrubs by size so we don’t have to paw through the entire mess in order to find an extra shirt or pair of pants. We’ll see what else I can organize while I’m flying solo.

Plus I’ve got my usual monthly tasks like designing a new bulletin board, cleaning the fish tank (also known as kitty TV)… and the everyday stuff like cleaning, feeding, and medicating guests… and the in-between stuff like making charts up for future guests, grooming services, and writing “report cards” for the guests who are leaving.

I think I’ll have plenty to do with my time, don’t you? It’s going to be an interesting few days, that’s for sure. We’ll have between twenty and thirty guests at the boarding facility through the weekend… so I may not even have time for all my extra projects. But a girl can hope!