I tend to think of spring and early summer as kitten time, more than fall. But we’ve had a bunch of kittens make an appearance at the cats-only boarding facility lately.
It started when one of our vets — Doctor K. — came back from a weekend trip. While she was hiking with the family, they were approached by a pair of very young kittens. As Doctor K. described it, they came bounding out of a field towards the family! She trapped the kittens and brought them home (much to the disgust of her two adult male cats), then into the vet side of the building for a checkup.
So far, the two kittens (one boy and one girl) are living at Doctor K.’s house recovering from an upper respiratory infection and getting some good care while they grow up a little. The two resident K. cats are NOT happy about this at all — especially when the kittens want to play. We’ll get to have the kittens stay at the boarding facility the next time Doctor K. goes away for a weekend. Yay!
Then we had two five month old guests at the same time. One was an all grey kitty named Pretzel; the other was a brown and white tabby named Kara. I just love their little tiny voices… and how very playful they are! Kara is the more active of the two — she’s almost always batting some toy around or wrestling with her blanket. Pretzel is the cuddlier of the two, and is happy to be carried around while we work.
Let me try to explain the power of kittens. When other owners come to pick up their cats, they will often walk away from their own pets to look at/pet/play with the kittens!
It’s too cute for words, really! Kittens take a lot of energy, though… they require a lot more attention than the older, more sedate guests do. I love having the kittens come to visit, and it would sure be a wonderful, fun handful to own one. (I feel the same way about puppies. I don’t think I’ll ever own one because there are too many adult dogs in shelters who need homes.)