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Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Many Voices

We have a guest at the cats-only boarding facility who has the cutest little voice. He sounds kind of like a cross between a frog and a little old man who smoked a lot. His meow is kind of gravelly — it almost sounds like he’s saying “hello” instead of “meow”.

There are definitely some guests who are talkers. We have one infamous visitor who hardly shuts up the entire time he’s with us. Personally, I think he’s good company… although he is VERY loud. I’m surprised they can’t hear him over on the vet side of the building. We have another cat who will answer to her name (Squeaks) with a little squeak of greeting. Doesn’t matter who says her name, she’ll always answer.

One of my favorite guests has a bit of a stutter in her meow. It sounds like “ma-ma-meow”! Her name is Merci, but I call her Ma-Ma-Merci. Merci’s owner told us that she always thought Merci was saying “thank you” with her little stuttering meow.

Some cats have big, loud voices… others have small ones. One recent guest would give the saddest, tiniest little meow after we gave him his daily medication. It was pretty pathetic! Another guest with tooth troubles would gurgle at us instead of meow or hiss.

We have an adorable guy named Oscar who took a long time learning how to meow. For the longest time, all he would do was hiss! Happy, sad, playful, grumpy — all he could do to express himself was hiss. He’s come to stay with us several times since I started working at the cats-only boarding facility in December, and only recently has he found his meow.

I do like the talkers — regardless of what kind of voices they have. They’re good company for those days when I’m working by myself.