Here’s the final part of the interview with Judith Newman.
MT : Did you make any of the things up? I mean did Henry really go around sipping from wine glasses at a party and end up drunk with a lampshade on his head? By the way that was one of the funniest parts of the book.
JN : Well, I didn’t say he put the lampshade on his head, only that I imagined, in the future, he’d be That Guy. I’m sure I exaggerated occasionally, and I certainly hid the identities of a few people. But that thing about sipping other people’s glasses..that was certainly no exaggeration. He still loves a good cabernet.
MT: Will there be any other books forthcoming perhaps, Henry and Gus the Elementary School Years?
JN: From your lips to the publisher’s ears! No, actually I don’t think I’ll write about them any more, but I am doing a book that I hope people will consider giving to their brilliant but ‘different’ kids. It’s called Losers: The Mortifying Journey of Geeks, Dweebs, Nerds and Spazzes – and How They Became the Winners They are Today. It’s an in-depth look at being a high school loser, told from the vantage point of the now-extraordinary, talented, wonderful adults who couldn’t score a basket or a woman until they were, like, 30.
MT: Anything else you want people to know about life as a midlife mom?
JN : Yes. If we’ve met 40 times and we meet again at a party and I don’t seem to recognize you, please forgive me. Then explain to me, in detail, how we know each other. Midlife pregnancy did something truly awful to my memory.
I want to thank Judith for the interview and encourage you guys to get her book it is truly a great read (I give it 5 pacifiers, I mean stars!).