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Diary of a Work-at-Home Mom, Part 5

Today, I’ve taken my work to the streets again in my ultra-sophisticated mobile office. Okay, so it is not very sophisticated. It consists of a 2001 Toyota Echo, a really great car seat that my son absolutely loves, and my beat up laptop that has about an hour of battery life if that. It’s what we’ve got, though, and it suits us just fine. Dylan and I are headed out to do some errands at the nearest place that has all of the stores that we have to go to. It takes about a half hour to get there, and we take the highway. While it would have been ideal for me to do my work at, say, the Borders book store in the shopping area I realized that there was not a very big chance that that would actually end up happening because 65 miles per hour is the speed at which Dylan likes to fall asleep.

On days when we go to do errands and shopping, we generally leave the house in the late morning and we do not return until around dinner time. I can reasonably expect that Dylan will nap at some point during our travels, so I bring my laptop. That way, I can still usually have my naptime work session if the nap occurs at an appropriate location. We had only been on the highway about fifteen minutes when I caught a glimpse of closed eyelids in my rear view mirror. Fortunately, the next exit had a park and ride area, so I went there and found a nice parking spot. As Dylan sleeps comfortably in his cushy car seat, I am getting my work done.

Of course, the park and ride that I am parked in is located next to a church and the bell just started ringing to let everybody know that it is noontime. You know how church bells ring at noontime – and ring, and ring, and play a nice song or three. It is a beautiful sound, but I have one eye on the rear view mirror because I am curious to see whether the very loud church bell will wake him up. Phew, he is still sleeping even after all of that ringing. Oh, wait the ringing is not done yet, it is playing another song. We’ll see if he lasts through this one. I’m laughing, though, because this is all just too funny. Each day brings its own surprises and you never know what will happen. Or, in my case, where you will end up spending your child’s nap session that doubles as your work session. The ringing is now complete, and he is still snoozing peacefully so this nap time work session is a success.