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Diary of a Work-at-Home Mom, Part 7

Today is my first day of testing out a new work arrangement that my family has implemented in order for me to have more time available to do my work. In the past months, I had been working outside of the home a day or two a week. I recently stopped working at that job because I realized that I did not like being there because I felt that I could make more money and have more control over my time if I were to work from home one full day each week in addition to my usual work times.

So far, I am having a productive day. I must note that I am not at home, though. A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I noticed something about our son. Both of us were at home all week because hubby had taken a vacation from work so that he could build a deck at our house. I was glad to have him around because I miss him when he’s at work. Anyways, our son was also really happy that daddy was home. As you can imagine, despite our attempts to explain that daddy was busy and that he would be able to play later, our son persisted in wanting to be out where my husband was working. It would not have been safe for us to hang out with him while he was working on the deck, so I took my son out for a couple of outings and everyone was happy.

As my husband and I discussed our plan for my once or twice weekly marathon work sessions, it became clear that I would not be able to be in the house doing my work. Our son loves nothing more than to be with mommy and daddy both at the same time. If I were at home he would be upset if I was not available to be with him. We decided that I will go into town and do my work at one of the cafes or coffee shops there. This arrangement is perfectly fine with me, because as much as I love my home I am there a lot. Getting out and about is a real treat, and I am loving it right now.

This morning I took my show on the road to a local coffee shop that serves delicious home made baked goods. As I enjoyed a cup of tea and a chocolate croissant, I got some work done thanks to the free wireless internet. Around ten, I had a couple of errands to do so I left that coffee shop, did the errands, and relocated to another café where I’m working while having lunch. With a little thought and a little planning, my family came up with a plan that looks like it is going to work. I like knowing that I’ll have a big chunk of time to work each week, and Dylan and his daddy are undoubtedly enjoying some quality time together.

Photo by cohdra on morguefile.com.