Morning weight: 182.4
Uh-oh. The scale is once again moving in the wrong direction. And with the holidays sneaking up on us faster than a bolt of lightning, I’m a little scared.
The weather is crisp here in California, which usually makes me want to bake, to indulge in sinful goodness and wrap myself in a cozy blanket. And, as the scale has revealed, I’ve done just that the past few weeks. Luckily for me, the weather is supposed to climb back in into the 80’s by the end of the week, which will ultimately leave me wishing for vegetables over macaroni.
The holidays bring such a range of emotions. I’m happy that they are coming but seriously wondering how I’m going to make the right choices when so many “bad” choices are at my fingertips? I suppose I’ll do the best I can—after all, I can’t make promises I can’t deliver, and saying I’ll never ever dive into my mom’s banana bread would be a bold faced lie. I can however, exercise and maintain portion control. I can also use apple sauce instead of oil for that bread.
The holidays don’t have to be scary—I know that. Realistically, I KNOW that. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t take a conscious effort to not gain weight over the holidays.
This year, after all the festivities are said and done, I hope to happily report success. How about you? Will you be a weight loss success this holiday season? I suppose it depends on how you define success. For me, success means maintaining my weight over the holidays. Losing weight may be an unrealistic expectation. That doesn’t mean I won’t strive for that, but if I fall a little short and don’t completely hit the mark, I’ll be happy to maintain.
What’s your goal for the holidays? Drop me a note and tell me about it!