Morning Weight: 181.0
Success! I’m so excited to have lost weight without starving myself or dining on only meat and eggs! It’s tough though. When you decide to add carbohydrates back into your diet, you have to be careful. It’s easy to go way overboard quickly, gobbling up every bread-type product in site.
Tonight we went to a bonfire barbecue at the beach. It was a ton of fun, but I was a bit nervous before we left. I knew I’d have to record my weight in the morning and, although I do expect my weight loss to stall in the next few days, I didn’t want to blow it. So today I ate light meals before the barbecue, knowing I’d be faced with temptations. Luckily, once we got there, I was so busy watching the kids that I only had time to eat a regular portion of dinner. When things calmed down a little later, I could’ve gone back for seconds, but I didn’t. I also didn’t give in and eat the s’mores everyone was making. Yes, when we got home, I admit that I did indulge in a few Hostess brownie bites, and yes, I know it may affect the scale tomorrow, but all in all the day was a success.
And in case you’re wondering what gave me the “strength” to “just say no,” it was you—the people who are reading this diary and who are kind enough to write to me and tell me that they’re with me, trying to lose weight too and working hard. I’ve heard from people who have exercised for the first time in a long time, and people who are working on eating consciously. We’re doing this together and I feel more determined than ever. I hope your day went well today. If it did, wonderful! If not, don’t beat yourself up—tomorrow is a new day and with new days comes the ability to make new choices. You can do it. We can all do it!
Here’s how my day shaped up:
Breakfast: 1 piece multi-grain bread, toasted (dry) with 1 egg
Lunch: Leftover zucchini and stovetop corn from last night’s dinner
Dinner: Hamburger at the barbecue, a few chips, a diet soda, and brownie bites when I got home
Didn’t fit exercise in today—hopefully tomorrow.
How did your day shape up? I hope you’ll share.
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In Case You Just Found My Diary: