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Diary of an Overweight Mom: Is Anyone Losing Weight Now?

I’m curious—who out there is losing weight right now? Who is resisting the temptations of holiday goodies? Who is opting for spiced tea rather than a peppermint mocha with whipped cream? I want to hear from you!

I’m still on my cookie strike…mostly. I did eat one today, but that was because I created a recipe (check it out on the food blog) for Honey Granola Cookies With Apricots and I had to try one. But that’s all I tried. Just one. I did not continually make my way back to the kitchen, daring my will power to take over. I simply made a choice. One and that’s it. It’s surprising how easily you can stick to your guns when you truly make a choice to do so.

That said, I’m heading to Arizona for the holiday. This means I will not be faced with snacking my way through the morning as I prepare dinner. I will be in a vehicle driving across the desert long before the roosters crow. I will arrive just before Thanksgiving dinner and will actually only eat what is on my plate. A genius idea! Why haven’t I gone home every year? J

On my Thanksgiving table this year there will be a delicious smoked turkey, Grandma Hughes’s noodles, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, and any number of other items, including dessert. I will try to restrain myself from gobbling down more than my body weight in stuffing. I will not go back for seconds merely because there wasn’t room on my plate for everything the first time. I will likely not lose weight, but I will not gain weight.

Why? Because I choose not to. And choice is a beautiful thing. How about you? How will you stay on track this Thanksgiving?

Read Diary of an Overweight Mom from the beginning!

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