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Diary of an Overweight Mom: It’s a Bumpy Ride, But Somebody’s Gotta Take It!

Weight loss isn’t easy. It’s not fun. It’s not instant—well, not the kind that sticks anyhow. I’ve been reading the blogs lately about weight loss journeys, and I must say I’ve found a common theme: The Roller Coaster Theme.

Weight is up. Weight is down. Weight is back up again. This happens for millions of people every year. For some people, this roller coaster of the pounds lasts a lifetime. Unfortunately, it is this exact up and down then up again that leads to more heart attacks and strokes than most people know about.

Did you know it’s healthier to be overweight your entire life, than to yo-yo diet your way up and down the scale? Losing and gaining weight puts a great deal of strain on your heart and other organs. Playing the diet roller coaster not puts your emotions at risk—it could kill you.

How about if this year, instead of opting for a fad diet or a quick-fix, you simply resolved to move more and drink more water. Or what if you decided to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day (no, Trix and Fruit Loops don’t count) and to take a 30-minute walk four times per week? It seems so simple, but doing this alone can help you to lose weight.

The problem with diets in America today is that they are offered as a speedy alternative to more sensible plans. Sure, if you eliminate all carbohydrates you’ll drop weight quickly. You’ll also have dog breath and pack the pounds right back on when you go off the diet, harming your wardrobe, your self-esteem, and your health.

There are many sensible eating plans for you to follow. And exercise is easy if you let it be. No, it’s not always convenient to find the time. But the alternative—this roller coaster that you’ve been on for years perhaps—that’s not so easy either, is it?

So what do you say–want to give it a try? JUST SAY NO TO ROLLER COASTERS–when the roller coaster is YOU, that is.

Visit me at the Diary of an Overweight Mom forum!

Read my story from the beginning!