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Diary of an Overweight Mom—Blonde Ambitions

I’m sitting here at my computer with my hair mounded on top of my head in some weird alien-like fashion. I’ve got Light Beige Blonde hair dye on and I’m slowly watching the clock as the minutes tick by. Twenty-five minutes is the magic number, although I usually leave it on for five minutes more, just to be sure. When the timer on my microwave rings, I’ll dive into the shower, rinse off the dye, condition my hair, then blow-dry my new blonde locks—if they turn blonde, that is. Truth is, I should’ve learned my lesson with blonde attempts long ago. I’ve had orange hair. I’ve had yellow hair. Heck, I’ve even had purple hair—all in the name of blondness. Yet here I sit…again…looking like a pine-cone head, hoping my daughter doesn’t wake from her nap and see me sitting here nearly naked (because I wouldn’t dare bleach a shirt with this stuff), typing away.

Hair color is dangerous “stuff,” especially the do-it-yourself kind. But I’m a risk taker. I’m also a money-saver, one of my many acquired talents since I started staying home with my children. In truth, it’s a lot like diets. There are so many varieties out there. There is an endless array of choices to choose from, and knowing the color, or in this case, the “diet” that’s right for you, isn’t always an easy choice. Diets, like hair color, are a whole lot of finding what doesn’t work before you can find what does.

That said, I’m about to rinse off the color now. Wish me luck. I may look g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s when this is done. I may look like a peacock. I’m not sure yet. But, as with my weight loss efforts and with most things in life, “If you can’t do it the first time—try, try again.”

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