No one ever said that love and relationships were easy. In fact they are right the opposite. Romantic relationships and love can be very complicated. They can be full of questions and excitement and regret.
One of the most common questions that goes through the mind of mate (but never spoken in words) is “Did I make the right choice?”
While many ask the same question, they come up with very different answers. Some ask and answer “yes” without a doubt. Others go back and forth on whether or not their spouse was the right choice.
Some question themselves before marriage, some during marriage, and others after the marriage has come to an end.
Knowing whether or not you will forever be happy with your mate or if you would have been happier with someone else is not a question that can easily be answered. In fact, in many cases it cannot be answered at all.
Have you ever had those moments when you look over at your spouse and wonder where all of the sureness about your love went? Have you ever looked at your spouse and suddenly he/she did not give you the same feeling and attraction that you once had.
These feelings are normal and natural. Every mate has questions about his or her choice at some point in the relationship. However, how often you have these questions may tell you a little bit more about how serious to take them.
If you are continuously searching for a spark to relight the feelings that you once had and you are continuously trying to convince yourself that you made the right choice, then perhaps you didn’t.
While some are in a relationship trying to make it fit, others are ending theirs and questioning how they could have made such a bad choice.
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