There are different ways of saying, ‘I love you.‘ Some people will do it more with words. Others will demonstrate it more by actions.
Take for example the husband who makes breakfast for his wife and packs his wife’s lunch each day. Because he works closer to home, he has more time than she does. He would rather have her in bed with him for an extra fifteen minutes and then, while she is having a shower and getting ready, he will make her breakfast and pack her lunch. That’s one way this husband shows how much he loves her.
Alternatively she might show she loves him by cleaning the house from top to bottom, while he is at work or at a meeting, so that when he comes home it is to a tidy, clean house where they can relax together. Or she might choose to cook his favorite double chocolate chip cookies.
When Mick was still working I always made his lunch for him, so he could spend more time in bed. He’s not a morning person. It saved him time during the day as well. He didn’t have to go hunting in his lunch hour for something to eat and queue up to get served. He could sit and read his book and enjoy his lunch. It was also less expensive than having to buy lunch each day so that helped our finances.
The other day Mick and I decided to get started on Christmas shopping. In the course of being in another area shopping, I saw a shop that had pretty skirts on sale.
‘Go and have try some on,’ my husband encouraged.
So I did. Now I’d have been happy with one beautiful new skirt. But my darling husband insisted I needed more than one.
‘Wow! I wish my husband would say that’ the sales woman said as we paid for the skirts.
‘He’s one in a million,’ I told her.
The above, are all acts of love that show how one person loves their spouse. Of course it’s always nice to hear the words, as well as see those acts of love and service.
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