This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson ten in the manuals. Remember to keep the discussions upbeat and positive. This is an opportunity to reinforce the lessons learned at church each week. You may need to adjust if your ward is on a different schedule.
If you have a child in nursery or Sunbeams he learned about the importance of plants, trees and flowers. The children learned that Heavenly Father and Jesus created the plants. They talked about what plants, flowers and trees are used for. Your child may have planted a seed and brought it home. If not you may want to do plant some seeds at home. You can also discuss the many blessings that we receive from the plants.
If you have a child between the ages of four and seven she learned about repentance. The lesson focused on the four steps of repentance. The lesson also pointed out that without Christ’s Atonement that we would not be able to repent of our sins. The children discussed the story of Alma the Younger as well. You may want to review the four steps of repentance with your children.
If you have a child between the ages of eight and eleven he learned about the Sermon on the Mount. The children learned about the Beatitudes. They were asked to memorize Matthew 5:16 or Matthew 7:12. The children also discussed serving others. The assigned reading for the week is Matthew 5:3-11.
If you have a child who is twelve or thirteen she learned about Brigham Young. The lesson focused on the ways that Brigham Young was a disciple and how he was prepared to be the next prophet. It pointed out that he defended Joseph Smith and did not seek for personal glory.
For members over the age of fourteen the lesson discussed the importance of taking on the yoke of the Savior. The lesson also shared the story of the woman washing Jesus feet with her tears. Jesus also declares himself the Lord of the Sabbath. Next week’s reading is Matthew 13.
The Young Women learned about the blessings of the Priesthood. The Young Men learned about studying the scriptures. The Priesthood and Relief Society lessons were on lesson five, “Prayer, the Passport to Spiritual Power,” in the Spencer W Kimball manual. Next week’s lesson is lesson six “Discovering the Scriptures for Ourselves.”
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