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Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 17

This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson seventeen in the Sunday School manuals. The Nursery and CTR classes’ lessons are from lesson sixteen. You will need to adjust your discussion to follow the schedule your ward is using. Remember to keep the discussions positive and fun.

If you have a child in nursery or Sunbeams he learned about the importance of his body. The lesson discussed the many things that having a body allows you to do. It also discussed the proper ways to protect and take care of your body. The children learned the story of Daniel refusing to eat the king’s food. You may want to review this story and talk about healthy choices for your body.

If you have a child between the ages of four and seven she learned that being obedient can help to demonstrate her faith. The lesson shared the story of Lehi and his family leaving Jerusalem. The children learned that they demonstrated that they believed God when they followed his instructions. The children learned that when they make the right choices they are obedient. You may want to review this story with your children. You can also discuss choices they might be making. The children were encouraged to learn first Article of Faith.

If you have a child between the ages of eight and eleven he learned the parables of the sower and the wheat and tares. The children discussed the symbolism in the parables. The lesson focused on the importance of each child becoming receptive to the gospel and nourishing her testimony. The assigned reading is Matthew 13:1-9.

If you have a child who is twelve or thirteen she learned about the law of tithing. The lesson focuses on the counsel that Lorenzo Snow gave the saints in St. George, Utah when they were experiencing a severe drought. He counseled them that if they would pay a full tithing that it would rain. The saints followed his counsel and were blessed with rain. The lesson then shared counsel from other prophets regarding tithing.

For all members over the age of fourteen the lesson focused on seeking the treasures of heaven over earthly treasures. The lesson points out that we must be willing forsake all for the kingdom of heaven. Next week’s reading is Luke 15 and 17.

The young women learned about keeping family history records. The young men learned about patriarchal blessings. The Priesthood and Relief Society lessons were on forgiving others. Next week’s lesson is “Fortifying Ourselves against Evil Influences” lesson ten in the Spencer W Kimball manual.

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Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 16

You can learn more insights about the lessons by reading Gospel Doctrine and RS/EQ Lessons.