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Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 20

This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson 20 in the manuals for those in Senior Primary and older. The Nursery children and Junior Primary children had lesson 19 this week. You may need to adjust this schedule to match the one that your ward is on. Be sure that you keep the discussions upbeat and positive.

If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams he learned about being thankful for his eyes. The children also learned the story of Jesus healing the blind man. You may want to take a walk and talk about the beautiful things you can see with your eyes. You can also review the story with him.

If you have a child between the ages of four and seven she learned that Heavenly Father helps us when we pray. The children learned the story of Nephi and his family crossing the ocean during the storm. When Nephi prayed the water became calm and they were able to begin sailing again. The children also learned that Jesus prayed in Gethsemane. You may want to review the proper way to pray and share a personal experience about prayer with your family.

If you have a child between the ages of eight and eleven, he learned the parable of the Good Samaritan. The children were encouraged to find ways to help those around them. They may have been asked to memorize Matthew 22:37-39 as well. The assigned reading for the week is Luke 10:25-37. You may want to make some time this week to help others.

If you have a child who is twelve or thirteen she learned about President Joseph Smith’s childhood. The lesson recounted stories that built his faith, and helped him to grow as a young child. The lesson focused on the youth developing their own faith to meet life’s challenges.

For all members fourteen and up the Sunday School lesson was based on Matthew 21-23 and John 12:1-8. The lesson discussed Mary anointing Jesus’ feet with oil and Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It also reviewed the parable of the two sons and the parable of the householder. The lesson also discussed Jesus’ warnings to hypocrites. Next week’s reading is Matthew 24.

The young women learned about sharing the gospel. The young men learned about administrating the Sacrament. The Priesthood and Relief Society lessons were chosen by your local presidency. My lesson happened to be on food storage. Next week’s lesson is “Provident Living—Applying Principles of Self Reliance and Preparedness” chapter eleven in the Spencer W. Kimball manual.

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You can learn more about the lessons by reading RS/EQ Lessons and Gospel Doctrine.