This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson 22 for those in Senior Primary and Sunday School classes. The Junior Primary’s topics are based on lesson 21. You may need to adjust your discussions to match the schedule that your ward is on. Remember to keep the discussions upbeat and positive.
If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams he learned about his feelings. The children discussed that they can choose how they feel. They learned proper ways to express their feelings. They learned that helping others can help them to feel happy. The children learned the story of the Prodigal Son. They learned that Heavenly Father wants them to be happy. You may want to spend time this week talking about feelings.
If you have a child between the ages of four and seven she learned about the blessings of becoming a member of Jesus Christ’s church. The children learned that they need to be baptized to become a member of the church. They also learn that they will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost after they are baptized. The children also learned the importance of repentance. You may want to review these concepts and share your baptism story.
If you have a child between the ages of eight and eleven he learned about the unmerciful servant. The lesson focused on the concept of forgiveness that is illustrated in this story. They learned that it is important to forgive others. The children were encouraged to memorize Doctrine and Covenants 64:10 or Matthew 6:14-15. The assigned reading for the week is Matthew 18:21-35.
If you have a child who is twelve or thirteen he learned about President Heber J Grant. The lesson focused on President Grant’s hard work and determination. The students learned that they too can accomplish many things if they are willing to work at it.
The lesson for members fourteen and older was based on Matthew 25. This chapter covers the parables of the ten virgins, the parable of the talents and the parable of the sheep and goats. The lesson focused on preparing ourselves for the Second Coming and developing the talents and gifts that Heavenly Father has given us. Next week’s reading is Luke 21:1-38 and John 13-15.
The young women learned about counseling with the Lord. The young men learned about the role of patriarchal leadership in the home. The Priesthood and Relief Society lessons were on integrity. Next week’s lesson is based on talks from General Conference. You should ask your local leaders, which talks to read.
Related Articles:
Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 21
Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 20
You can read about next week’s lessons in Gospel Doctrine and RS/EQ lessons.