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Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 27

This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson twenty seven in the manual for those who are over the age of eight. The Nursery and Junior Primary lessons are based on lesson twenty six. You may need to adjust this schedule to match your ward’s schedule. As you take the time to reinforce the principles you children learned at church this week, it is important that you bear your testimony on the lessons. This will help your children to recognize and feel the spirit.

If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams he learned that families can be together forever because of the blessings of the temple. The lesson focused on how the children can begin preparing for the temple by praying and choosing to live righteously. The children also discussed that the temple is a sacred place.

If you have a child between the ages of four and seven she learned about how the Holy Ghost can help her. The children discussed the ways to recognize promptings from the Holy Ghost. It also discussed how the Holy Ghost will help each of them to do the right thing. You may want to share an experience of a time when a prompting from the Holy Ghost blessed your life.

If you have a child between the ages of eight and eleven he learned about the parable of the sheep and the goats. The children learned that the sheep were the righteous and would be found on the right hand of God. The goats were the wicked and would be found on the left hand of God. One of things that separated them was the righteous served others. The lesson also discussed ways that the children could learn to serve others. You may want to talk about service as well.

If you have a child who is twelve or thirteen she learned about the peace that righteous living brings. The lesson focused on experiences from President George Albert Smith’s life in which he found peace and comfort at times that he was in the midst of strife and turmoil. They also talked about putting on the armor of God through righteous living. You may want to continue this discussion with your children.

The lesson for all those over the age of fourteen was on the Resurrection of Christ. The lesson focused on the accounts of Mary Magdalene and the other women, the account of the two women on the road, and of the Apostles. This was a very moving lesson. Next week’s reading assignment is Acts 1-5.

The young women learned about agency. The young men learned about the Sabbath. The Priesthood and Relief Society lessons were based on General Conference talks, but the topic depends on your local area. Next week is a fifth Sunday, so the Priesthood and Relief Society meetings will be combined, and the bishop will teach.

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You can read more about next week’s lessons at Gospel Doctrine and RS/EQ lessons.