This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson twenty-nine in the manuals for Senior Primary and older. Junior Primary and Nursery discussions are based on lesson twenty-eight. You may want to spend time reviewing your family home evening lesson throughout the week as well.
If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams he learned about being obedient. The children learned about the Sermon on the Mount. They also learned the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego. These are wonderful stories. You may want to talk about times you were obedient and times your children should be obedient. Be sure to point out times during the week, that you notice they are obedient.
If you have a child between the ages of four and seven she learned about how her parents can help her learn. The children learned about how Adam and Eve taught their children. They also learned about the Two Thousand Warriors in the book of Alma. You may want to share what your parents taught you as a child.
If you have a child between the ages of eight and eleven he learned about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and the Last Supper. The children also discussed the importance of the Sacrament. You may want to discuss this as well. The assigned reading for the week is Mark 14:12-26.
If you have a child is twelve or thirteen she continued to learn about David O McKay. She learned about the qualities that helped him to reach out to the world. They talked about the importance of learning and working hard. You may want to talk briefly about the importance of family as well.
For all members over the age of fourteen, the lesson was based on Acts 6-9. The lesson discussed the calling of seven additional leaders. It also shared the martyrdom of Stephen. It also covered the conversion of Saul. Next week’s lesson reading is Acts 10-14 and Acts 15:1-35.
The young women learned about exaltation. The young men learned about the purpose of life. The Priesthood and Relief Society lesson topics were chosen by individual presidencies. Next week’s lesson is based on lesson fifteen “We Should Be a Reverent People” in the Spencer W. Kimball manual.
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Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 28
Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 27
Read more about next week’s lessons in Gospel Doctrine and RS/EQ lessons.