This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson thirty two for those in Senior Primary and older. Junior Primary and Sunbeams learned about lesson thirty one. Remember the importance of keeping the conversation upbeat and positive. You may need to adjust according to your ward’s schedule.
If you have a child in Sunbeams he learned about being grateful for his home. The lesson talked about Lehi and his family traveling to the Promised Land. It also talked about pioneers traveling to Salt Lake. You may want to talk about the nice things about having a home. You can also discuss ways to keep your home neat and orderly.
If you have a child between the ages of four and seven she learned about loving everyone. The children learned about Jesus blessing the Nephite children. They also discussed the importance of being kind to others. The discussed how being unkind can hurt other people’s feelings. You may want to compliment your child when she is kind this week.
If you have a child between the ages of eight and eleven he learned about the Crucifixion and the burial of Jesus. The children discussed the events during the Crucifixion. They also talked about his burial. The children also learned that it is only through Christ’s sacrifice that we can all be saved. The assigned reading is Matthew 27:34-50.
If you have a child who is twelve or thirteen she learned about Joseph Fielding Smith. They learned about how he was obedient as a child. They also learned that he loved to study the scriptures. The children discussed ways to study the scriptures more effectively. You may want to encourage your child to study the scriptures this week.
For all members over the age of fourteen the Sunday school lesson was based on Acts 18:23-20:38 and Galatians. The lesson focused on some of the teachings of Paul. It focused on how to receive promptings from the Holy Ghost. Next week’s reading assignment is 1 Corinthians 1-6.
The young women learned about the importance of life. The young men learned about developing the gifts of the spirit. The Priesthood and Relief Society lessons were based on talks from the last General Conference, but varied from area to area. Next week’s lesson will be chosen by the individual presidencies.
Related Articles:
Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 31
Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 30
You can read more about next week’s lesson at Gospel Doctrine.