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Dinner Discussions 2008 Week 25

This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson twenty-five in the manuals. The Primary lessons are a week behind because of the special Easter lesson. You may need to adjust your schedule to match the schedule that your ward is on. Additionally you may want to spend time reviewing other gospel topics you feel are important or spend time talking about the pioneers.

If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams he learned about the importance of family, especially brothers and sisters. He learned how Hyrum helped Joseph Smith when he had leg surgery when he was a young boy. He also learned about Miriam watching over Moses in the bulrushes. The lessons focused on how they can help their brothers and sisters.

If you have a child between the ages of four and seven she learned about gratitude. The lesson opens by discussing blessings and helps the children to recognize the blessings in their lives. Then the children learn the stories of the ten lepers. The children then discuss the ways that they can show their gratitude, which include saying thank you and keeping the commandments. You may want to share some blessings you are grateful for with your family.

If you have a child between the ages of eight and eleven he learned about Alma counseling Corianton. The lesson focused on making the right choices. They discussed how making the wrong choices could affect them. The children also role-played several situations. They were encouraged to memorize the second and eleventh Article of Faith. The assigned reading is Alma 39:12-19.

If you have a child who is twelve or thirteen she learned about anger. The lesson discussed the different reasons people may become angry. It then discussed the ways that you can learn to control your anger. Finally it pointed out that learning to control your anger helps you to become Christ like and to have the spirit with you.

For all members over the age of fourteen the Sunday school lesson focused on Alma 17-22. The lesson focuses on Ammon and his brothers going to teach the Lamanites. The majority of the lesson focuses on the conversion of King Lamoni. Next week’s reading is Alma 23-29.

The young women learned about obedience. The young men learned about serving a mission. The Priesthood and Relief Society lessons were chosen by individual presidencies. Next week’s lesson is chapter 13 in the Joseph Smith manual. The topic is on obedience.

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