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Dinner Discussions 2008 Week 28

This week’s dinner discussions are based lesson twenty-eight in the manuals. The Primary is one lesson behind. You may need to adjust the discussions if your ward is behind a week due to Stake Conference. Be sure to make these discussions a positive and uplifting experience for everyone.

If you have a child in Nursery or Sunbeams he learned about the importance of praying together as a family. The children learned the story of Jesus praying with the Nephites in the Book of Mormon. They also talked about the blessings that come with having family prayer. You may want to review how to sit reverently for prayer as a family.

If you have a child between the ages of four and seven she learned about the importance of sharing. The children learned the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. The children also talked about how to share, and how sharing makes them feel. You may want to praise your children as they share things this week.

If you have a child between the ages of eight and eleven he learned about Helaman and the stripling warriors. The lesson focused on the courage that the young warriors had because of their testimonies. The assigned reading is Alma 53:16-21, 56:45-48 and 57:25-27.

If you have a child who is twelve or thirteen the lesson was about keeping the Sabbath day Holy. The lesson talked about the blessings that come from keeping the Sabbath day holy. It also talked about ways to keep the Sabbath day holy. You may want to discuss this as a family, and think of ways to make Sundays a positive day for your children.

For members over the age of fourteen the Sunday school lesson was on Alam32-35. The lesson focused on Alma teaching the Zoramites. The lesson talked about the importance of opening your heart to the teachings of God. It also talked about nourishing your testimony. The lesson also talked about the importance of the Atonement. Next week’s reading assignment is Alma 36-39.

The young women learned about consecration and sacrifice. The young men learned about withstanding temptation. The Priesthood and Relief Society lessons were based on talks from General Conference. Next week’s lesson will be determined by your individual presidencies.

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