This week’s dinner discussion ideas are from lesson twenty-nine in all of the manuals. Be sure that as you discuss the lessons with your family you keep the discussion fun and instructive. You do not want to put extra pressure on your children.
Nursery children and Sunbeams learned about repenting, and the importance of saying you are sorry when you make a mistake. The scripture story used is the story of Alma the Younger repenting after the angel visited him. You may want to review the story. You may also want to share a time when you said you were sorry after you had made a mistake. If you hear a child apologizing this week, be sure to praise him for it.
If you have children between four and eight years old was about being a good example. They learned about Matthew 5:16, which talks about not hiding your light under a bushel. The children learned about different ways they can be examples as they help those around them. You can talk about ways that you have been an example or how others have been an example to you. You may want to praise your children if you see them being an example this week.
If you have children between eight and twelve years old they learned about David and Jonathon. Jonathon was a faithful and loyal friend to David throughout his life, even though he knew that David would be king, which would have been his right. After learning this story they talked about how to tell if you have a true friend. They also talked about the importance of being a true friend. You may want to talk about the qualities you should look for in friend. The reading assignment for this week is 1 Samuel 18:1–4 and 1 Samuel 20:35–42.
If you have a teenager age twelve through fourteen they learned about the importance of paying tithing. They discussed the definition of a full tithe as well as the importance of paying your tithing with a good attitude. It would be a good idea to discuss the benefits of paying your tithing, and to share your testimony of tithing with your family.
The Sunday school lesson for all members over fourteen talked about how Elijah passed the mantle of being a prophet to Elisha. The lesson discussed how the next prophet would be determined. The lesson also discussed the healing of Naaman from leprosy. The discussion after this story focused on the importance of doing the simple things that we are commanded to do.
The Young Men talked about the eternal family. The Young Women discussed the Second Coming of Christ. It was a fifth Sunday, so your Relief Society and Priesthood were on topics chosen by your bishops.