When it comes to computers, my mom is a triceratops; super slow and completely uninspired. Last weekend I needed her help to get some documents published and my head nearly exploded from frustration. Her computer was working great; mine was gone, so I was forced to talk her through the process… on the phone… from 5,000 miles away. Five hours later I was furiously looking around for some Patron, and I don’t drink.
Needless to say, I refuse to be my mom’s digital scrapbooking mentor.
Not that it matters because she won’t take a single step into the world of digital memory book-making.
She tried… for about an hour, and then quit.
She likened the process to learning a foreign language.
Of course, my mom is not the only one who has gotten lost navigating the wild world of digital scrapbooking terminology. While I would hardly compare it to learning Japanese, it does take a bit of time and effort to get the hang of.
For example, a ccontact page doesn’t list your favorite friends. Rather, in digital scrapbooking, a contact sheet is a file that features individual thumbnails of the contents of a computer scrapbooking kit.
Digital scrapbooking terms also include a slew of abbreviations, such as:
PU: Means personal use. It’s used to signify that a digital paper or element is for personal use only and can’t be burned to a disc and sold.
PPI or pixels per inch. An image with a high PPI will look better when printed than one with a lower number.
PSD: Is the abbreviation used for the file format featured on Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, two very popular digital scrapbooking computer programs.
.ZIP: The term .Zip files is often seen when you download a digital kit on your computer. The process compresses multiple files into one folder to create an archive.