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Direct Sales – Funny Excuses for Cancelling a Party

If you’ve never been involved in a Party Plan business, you may not be able to relate to the “kiss of death” feeling direct sellers often get when they make their final hostess coaching call only to hear….”errrr…ummmm…”….followed by an excuse for canceling the pre-planned show. Usually the cancellations are legitimate – a child is sick or a family emergency, but the best excuses are often concocted on the spot.

Sometimes it’s hard to find humor in a canceled show. We planned ahead, we hired a sitter, we may have even canceled a family event to hold the show. It hurts our pocketbooks (not to mention our egos) when someone cancels. But if you’ve been in direct sales long enough you’ll understand that it is simply part of the business and the best way to get over it, is to laugh about it.

Here are some of my personal favorite excuses that have happened to me, or to my team members. Enjoy!

“We were going to have it at my mother-in-law’s home, but her boyfriend is watching Monday Night Football and said that no one can come over”.

“My toilet just overflowed”.

“I didn’t go to Sarah’s party so she told everyone not to come to mine”.

“June got mad at Shawna and now Jamie is upset too – they were the only ones who were going to come, so we better not have it because it will just turn into a big fight”.

“Oh, the party is tomorrow night?…I didn’t know we made it ‘official’”

…and my personal favorite…“I’m sorry, I decided I can’t do the party, I just quit smoking this weekend and I am way too crabby”.

Do you have a funny excuse to share? Post it in the comments section.

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