In February, Disney and Family Fun Magazine will debut a new magazine to the world of parenting magazines, Wondertime. This magazine, geared toward parents of infants – six year olds, dedicates itself to helping parents nurture their child’s thirst for knowledge and learning during this ultra-critical time in their child’s life.
The magazine’s website describes the magazine as a:
“…magazine dedicated to helping parents nurture their children’s love of learning. A blend of how and why, Wondertime inspires moms of infants through 6-year-olds to see the world through the eyes of their children, and to celebrate the wonder of this all-too-fleeting time.
Wondertime mixes playful activities and everyday adventures with compelling insights into the fascinating ways children develop physically, socially, intellectually, creatively, and emotionally. We hereby give moms permission to revel in the simple joys of raising a child, and to view the world as their children do — as an awe-inspiring place.”
Where as Family Fun magazine focuses on activities and crafts to participate in with older children, Wondertime will offer readers a “child’s eye view” of the world in order to help them understand how to truly reap the most from their child’s formative years.
Wondertime will debut in February, but you can visit their site now and subscribe online at