Nothing says Halloween like a room full of ghosts.
Fortunately, crafting a bunch of floating spirits won’t cause you to scream when you reach for your wallet.
Rather than fork over a ton of cash for ghostly decorations made by some factory worker, employ your own little ghouls and use everyday household materials to create these spooky souls:
This ghostly craft can be made two ways: with or without paint. Depending on how much of a mess you are willing to clean up, you may opt for one over the other. The first requires old newspaper, black construction paper, black and white craft paint, a sponge paintbrush, a traditional paintbrush, silver or white glitter and a glue stick.
To make the painted footprint ghost, have your kids remove their socks. Next, cover your work area with old newspapers. Place a sheet of black construction paper on the newspapers. Use the sponge brush to apply white paint to the bottom of your child’s bare foot. Then, have your child step on the black paper, rolling his or her foot slightly inward to make sure a print of his or her entire foot transfers to the paper. When the image dries, use the black paint to add a simple ghost face on the heel portion of the picture. Finally, cover the ghost with glue and apply glitter to its body.
For a no-mess version of the footprint ghost, use white and black construction paper, a black marker, scissors, and a glue stick. Place a piece of white construction paper on the floor and have your child stand on it with his bare foot. Next, trace your child’s foot with the black marker, and then cut out the design. Finally, glue the white footprint ghost onto the black construction paper and draw a face near the heel area with a black marker.
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